PGI Tooltip

A smart content Plugin for Joomla!


The PGI Tooltip plugin is a smart content plugin for Joomla which showes custom tooltips anywhere in your site. Define a keyword or phrase just once and choose to run on specific web pages or on the whole site.

The first occurence of a keyword in a page will be 'tooltipped' (with exclusion of images, headers and links).


To give you an idea, hover over the words fox and lazy in the next sentence:


the quick brown fox

The PGI Tooltip plugin is a smart content plugin which shows custom tooltips anywhere in your site. Define a keyword or phrase just once and choose to run on specific web pages. The first occurence of a keyword in a page will be 'tooltipped' (with exclusion of images, headers and links).. Contact us for more information.
jumps over the lazylazy

Another explanation


The PGI Tooltip Plugin makes use of the Joomla Update system so you will be notified if an update is available.


Administrator view

PGI Tooltip Admin pop


Interested ?

Please Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. for a custom made version of this plugin which suites your site.

(custom CSS, additional features, ...)


PGI Tooltip Style2


Version 1.0.3 (14/01/2020)

  • Added CSS options for overlay

Version 1.0.2 (4/01/2020)

  • Some corrections on labels

Version 1.0.1 (4/01/2020)

  • Some corrections to make use of the Joomla automatic update system

Version 1.0.0 (4/01/2020)

  • Initial release.